12 events found.
Private event
To: Hannah Houstin-Lacey Event name: Hannah Event date: 2025-03-31 Start time: 11.00 End time: 15.00 Telephone: 01256 381 863 Comment: Booking for hall, kitchen and car park.
Private Theatricals
Reply-To: Colin Flaherty Event name: Private Theatricals Event date: 2025-04-01 Start time: 19.30 End time: 22.00
Annual Parish Meeting EPC
Hall etcladies Club AGM
Amanda Lunn amandalunn2@icloud.com
Cloe and Sam Wedding
Hall etcChloe Hubball Event name: Chloe and Sam’s Wedding Event date: 2025-07-04 Start time: 13:00 End time: 14:30 Telephone: 07454272026 Comment: Booking for use of toilets only for wedding ceremony.
cnoir rehersal
Amanda Lunn
Choir Rehersal
Amanda Lunn
Christmas Fayre
Hall etcchoir rehersal
Amanda Lunn