Equality and diversity policy

The Ellisfield Memorial Hall Management Committee, its volunteers and supporters are committed to valuing and promoting equality and diversity in the provision of the facility and all events organised in the hall to benefit members of the community and all hirers.

The Management Committee aims to provide an environment that is based on inclusiveness, where all users can benefit from the facility and the organised events to their full potential, irrespective of their race, gender, marital status, age, disability, religious belief, political opinion or sexual orientation.

Managing diversity fairly is an effective way of dealing with equal opportunities issues. It emphasises the benefits to the community that accrue from valuing the differences between people, in addition to complying with the law.

As a charity we encourage the diverse value generated by encouraging good practice. We encourage new users from within the village and the wider community to enjoy our hall.

The Management Committee acknowledges that the United Kingdom is diverse in culture, race beliefs and religion and believes that no individual group of people should receive less favourable treatment on the grounds of gender, age, colour, race, nationality, racial or national origins, cultural heritage, disability, marital status, social background or sexual orientation. There are a number of laws that set out how people should act including:

  • Sex Discrimination Act 1975 Race Relations Act 1976, as amended by the Race Relations Act 2000
  • Disability Discrimination Act 1995
  • Equality Act 2006

Users of the Memorial Hall should also co-operate with the Management Committee in the prevention of any discriminatory practices.

The Management Committee will monitor and update this policy as necessary.

Complaints: If any user or committee member believes they have been unfairly discriminated against they should make a complaint to the Secretary of the Management Committee.

Updated 2023-04-19.

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